Edmond Financial Group has always placed a high priority on ensuring the security of our clients’ information.
Recently, we’ve adopted a technology solution that puts us on the cutting edge of ensuring the privacy and protection of information sent via email.
Beginning January 2021, emails containing sensitive information will be sent via e-Courier, a Canadian Secure Email and File Transfer service provider that has all its servers and personnel located in Canada.
The advantages of sending information via e-Courier are significant:
- Clients have their own e-Courier accounts with their own unique passwords
- Both the message and the attachments are encrypted
- The encryption is high level: even e-Courier itself cannot access the information packages
- Information packages have an “expiration date” after which they are permanently destroyed
- Clients receive emails notifying them when an information package has been received in their e-Courier account as well as a reminder prior to the expiration date
- If clients need to send sensitive or confidential information back to us it would also be encrypted
Learn more about e-Courier here.